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My Impossible is His possible // Delight and Be

Today, I want to share a huge part of who I am. 2015 was filled with lots of life changing moments and events and people, but here is one incredible gift the Lord has given me. 

I'm honored to be apart of an online group called "Delight and Be" filled with incredible girls pursuing the Lord through the arts. The wonderful Emily Gluntz of Fernweh Photography invited me to this community. And within this 500+ group, we have different specific communities. I am also apart of the "Photo and Video" group, allowing myself and the other girls to post encouraging words, ask questions, share work, and challenge one another in our field. Through this, I have completely been humbled. Meeting, messaging , skyping with dozens of other photographers who are my age, started their business young, love what I love, and are seriously ahead of my game. 

Delight has taught me how such good can come out of what I feel is "bad". Being an intentional person who cannot for the life of me keep up with people out of my 10 mile zone, the concept of long distance friends from around the world and this country was impossible. The thought of people being close and intentional but rarely seeing one another bothered me. In fact, I felt like it was taking away from the value in face to face communicating. Friendships I saw happening among middle schoolers and even high schoolers over snap chat and text were my prime contributors of this bitter attitude towards it all.  But the Lord brings incredible blessing and joy out of anything. August 2015, I booked a flight to Washington State. I was going to a house. I was going to meet 10 strangers at a tiny little airport and stay with them for 4 days and learn more about Wedding Photography. This was Delight. I had been sharing on this awesome group of christian girls and women for almost a year. I had been soaking up all the wisdom and advice poured out over all the Facebook posts. I knew names and faces. I knew stories and struggles of girls I had never met in person. I knew one thing for sure, I wanted to be apart. I wanted to know them. I wanted to learn from them. I really wanted to hug them! The Lord honored these desires and provided this amazing opportunity.

Kristin Wall or as we call her "mama Wall" shares her heart daily with girls in Delight, through through messaging, through posts, through photos. Her heart has been called to keep this community going and instead of calling it hers, she's laid it at the feet of God. Kristin is one of the most amazing women I've ever met. Her obedience to the Lord challenges me daily. I felt like I knew this woman and her heart before I had even seen her face. Isn't God awesome?! 

I don't even know how to explain how beautiful this retreat was. Beautiful in that you could see God in every minute, every step, and every press of the shutter. I met one of my best friends in the Fort-worth airport. We kept glancing at one another for a couple hours before I finally asked "Are you by chance going to Wanatchee, WA?" With a series of giggles, hugs, and name exchanging, I had found and met my first Delight friend! Now the Lord can do crazy things, because Erin and I talk all the time - hours on the phone and soon I'm headed up to KY to see her! For someone who accepted that long distance friendship just doesn't work... The Lord, as He does, has shown me wrong. My impossible is possible because He is in it. Over the course of four days I slept, ate, learned, prayed, sung, and shared with these ten. I cried with them as we poured our stories out. I brushed my teeth next to them. I took notes along side them as the leaders shared what seemed like all their secrets of business and photography! We prayed hand in hand every day. We sang and shouted out to the Lord praising and thanking him for this place. This safe place. 

Today I read an awesome post by one of the photographers who lead at the the retreat in September, Megan Kelsey of Megan Kelsey Photography. (I cannot wait to give you a hug again, Megan! <3 )

(See full post: )

"When I first started photography, I was one of the two photographers I knew. Two!!! And therefore, I think it was a lot easier to feel entitled or prideful about my status as a “professional photographer"

 She ended her awesome post sharing: 
"So today, I’m challenging myself to actively seek humility. Here’s a few practical ways to so that. 
1. List out three of your weaknesses in your business. What didn’t work so well last year that you’d like to make work this year?
 2. Think of two or three people who you know do those things well, and write them. Introduce yourself, then ask if they could give you just one little piece of advice for how to improve in those areas. You might be surprised by the response you get! 
3. Write an encouraging letter to someone you know who is just starting out in your industry. Let them know that they’re not alone, and that they’re doing just fine. “Have you heard of the Rising Tide Society?” We’re all so much better together."

And today I am convicted to humble myself and realize how little I am in such a big industry, in such a big world, in such a big plan. The Lord can use me, but He doesn't need to. Delight has changed my life. The words that kept being repeated at the retreat I went to were "we are community over competition." I had never heard that before. How powerful is that!? Community over competition. Delight stands strong in this, and that's why I won't ever stop being connected with the girls who build this online group together. 

Since September I have met other Delight girls through mine and their travels. Don't ever underestimate how big God is. I do, and He humbles me daily. Love all these beautiful girls! Cannot believe I can call them my friends. <3

 Just a couple of the table tops I've fellowshipped over with delight girls. <3 
Taylor- Where do I start! I love you so much and cannot wait to jam out on more planes with you.. maybe not run through airports. Let's skip that one!

 A collection of only a few of the selfies Erin and I took while she visited me only two weeks after our first meeting at the Delight retreat in Sepetmber! Love you, E!
Here's a recent shot Emily G snagged of Jessica Lauren changing my website world! Gosh, it's so cool to help one other and that the Lord allows us to laugh and learn together!
 A common Delight late night... At least from my experience. :P

 These lovely ladies, Emmalie & Sarah drove downtown St Louis so we could get coffee!
 Emily Gluntz and I both live in Memphis. We work out of home in coffee shops quite often and I am so thankful!

Delight is only possible because of God's grace and love. His security and promise of Hope. His sovereignty of bringing each individual girl to this community. He is doing great things. I cannot believe I get to be apart.

Learn more of how you can support and love on Delight:

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