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// Cafe Eclectic // What started as a crush //

Two years ago, my life began to shift... I started discovering Memphis on my own. I found my self in cafes, on new streets, and exploring new corners of this city I always called boring. One place particular held my heart. Most of my friends know this place... in fact my family calls it "my office." Yes. Cafe Eclectic

Now, what started as crush soon became a full fledge love. February15th of 2015, cafe E reposted a picture of mine for the first time... needless to say I died. I was so excited. All my friends were aware of this event within .2 seconds. 

 From there began a relationship that makes me just so happy. Through the year it has become the place I meet clients, edit photos, try new coffee, journal and process life, pray with friends, and eat great food. 
This fall I was invited to come alongside Cafe Eclectic and take photos for their media. And it's been fabulous. It's been an adventure. 

The Instagram page is Rachel and I's little baby and its growing and its beautiful. It makes my heart happy to see so much aesthetic intertwined with home made food and lovely words. We have been working hard to create consistency and a great feed. I love going behind the scenes and showing the hands and faces that create this awesome food and great atmosphere. Its one of the greatest parts of my week. <3

I love having a relasionship with a place I hold so dear to my heart. In fact... I'm sitting here writing at a booth looking out the Cafe's window now... This place is full of incredible people, amazing food and drinks, as well as character, integrity, and joy. Ive been slowly learning the story of Cafe Eclectic and how its grown from the original Mclean location. I feel a part of a little family now. I love how when I walk in, they know me by name.. I love that half the place is filled with laptops with coffee mugs next to them. I love the way intentional conversations are happening in little corners. I love the sound of coffee being brewed and milk being steamed. I love that familiar sound of the ring when the door opens. 

When I invite friends and clients to meet me here... I feel like i'm inviting them into a little bit of my home. I feel comfortable and happy, and that's why I work for Cafe Eclectic. Because I believe it is making the world a better and happier place. 

If you don't know who Cafe Eclectic is or where they are, please let me enlighten you! Check out:  for maps, menus, and more!

Follow along with us and discover the new specials, best drinks, and Memphis happy moments:

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